"When you want something in life, reach out and grab it." - Chris McCandles

From me to you, in hopes that by some small chance in the world that anything I go through or could possibly say might help you in your life, in your hopes, in your dreams.

Monday, October 11, 2010

wondering if dreams are worth it...

...if dreams are like Freud says they are, representations of unconscious desires, thoughts and motivations...

...and if that's not enough, try living like i do, and instead of just sleeping to dream, pretend them while you're awake.

who's to say we can't make our dreams come true? whether it's figuratively or literally, there's no reason that dreams can't become realities when we take matters into our own hands.

if dreams are desires, and wild while we sleep, imagine how wild and hot than can be when you're awake in the world.

if dreams are thought, imagine how powerful those thoughts can be when put into word.

and if dreams are motivations, well then what the heck are you waiting for?!? the only thing holding you back is you!

so to answer my question as to if dreams are worth it or not...HECK YES! just be bold enough to keep on dreaming after the sun comes up in the morning!

dreams are the manifesting place for reality to exist. with the world as our stage and people as our puppets, the possibilities of play are endless.

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